I have never really understood why people judge other peoples lives when it doesn't hurt them or effect their lives. I don't understand why some extremest Christians like people from the Westboro Baptist Church feel the need to force their religious views on others by picketing outside of fallen soldiers funnels saying they deserve to die. Picketing on the streets and out side concert venues preaching against homosexuality.
I am all for freedom of speech however I just can't comprehend how human beings are so willing to do this. Some say it because they love us and want us to repent our sins so we do not end up in hell. But I just feel sorry for them they have grown up in a society where it is normal to hate people who are a bit different, imagine how hard it would be if your whole life you where subjected to think a certain way and how hard it would be to be open to a different view. This not only goes for homophobia but also for religion. People are forced to believe things they don't or are subjected to views and are unable to search for other views. I was very lucky as a child, my parents never Christened me or my brothers. There mind set being that when I am old enough I will be able to make that decision. People growing up in places like Saudi-Arabia where they have to follow a certain religion, women have to dress certain ways in public whether they want to or not. Some people may think that we have reached freedom, but if you dig a little deeper there are still people hiding in fear of their govenment, of their families, of what other people may think. It is very hard to change the opinion of people set in their way, but the people we can help who are trapped in these forceful societies we still can. Be yourself, you do you. There is always light at the end of the tunnel you just have to look for it.