Sunday 29 December 2013

What is fun?

What is the definition of fun? Well, according to Google it is 'enjoyment, amusement and light hearted pleasure' although I'm sure many people believe it's child's play which should die out by the age of 16. My inspiration for this post was a rerun of a British sitcom called Miranda where the main protagonist is trying to impress her boyfriends father by being prim and proper when she gets fed up of this she exclaims (paraphrasing) 'If being an adult means no more fun, then I don't want to be one' this hit me because this has been a large part of my life in these past few weeks, I am at the age where I am expected, not only by adults but also by peers to 'grow up' to act like all other adults that talk about finances like money is something that will go to the grave with them, people who frown upon seeing other adults dress 'provocatively', people who think that smiling at strangers bad. I don't want to be a person that looks down on others and doesn't question and has lost there curiosity, I would rather laugh and be curious, I want to make friends with as many people as possible.
I believe we are taught to act in this prim and proper way, dressing in dark suits, loosing our curiosity, treating people as a stranger on a street, I think we have lost our natural instinct, our natural animal instinct to care about others, skip carelessly, ask questions, wear what ever we want or nothing at all because when we were children this is exactly what we did, we would walk past the homeless man on the street and say to our parents 'why does that man sleep on the street?', we didn't care what others thought and we would go to school dressed as mermaids and run round the beach naked because we didn't care and we would constantly and annoyingly always ask why, so I am asking Why? Why have we become a society that frowns on fun? We were taught to act 'proper' according to others standards.
Getting old is inevitable, growing up is optional!


Thursday 26 December 2013

I started a blog?

Why did I create Wanderlust and Thoughts? Well basically I am a 17 year old girl with no idea where I want to go with my life, now, a lot of you are probably thinking 'you're 17 it's normal to not know where you life is going' but as a person who is going through a-levels as constant reminder that my life should really get kick started by now, I continuously have the 6th form supervisors going on at me about my subjects and my Baccalaureate qualification (a compulsory qualification for students at many schools in the UK). So for those that are wondering for my a- levels I  decided to go down a scientific route taking Biology, Chemistry, Business Studies, Baccalaureate and Maths (which I later dropped as I found it very difficult to spread my work load with 5 a-levels). I would say to you that I wish I hadn't gone down a scientific route but then I wouldn't be able to say I have learned form my mistakes, don't get me wrong I love science its such an interesting thing but its not something I would want to do as a career. I later came to the realisation that I want to be doing something creative, something that will change peoples lives and I want to be able to see the world. I say creative as it isn't something that comes naturally to me, my textiles teacher was my inspiration for this, she allowed me to create while giving me helpful advice which I made sure I took on board because if you need to work on something (and trust me i have had to work on a lot of things in my life but that's for another post) but I loved making textile items I can't say I've had the most experience, I've made a cushion which I think came out well, some lavender scented hearts which gave me a good hard corn on my fingers and a tote bag which had smiley faces sewn onto it, its safe to say I wasn't very experienced at the time, but I will always hop on to the opportunity to stitch up someone's jumper sleeve or Jean rip, there's me going of topic which I see myself doing a lot in my blog posts. Anyway moving on to the part where I said I want to change peoples lives and see the world,well that's where the title of my blog comes in 'Wanderlust and Thoughts' I've always wanted to see the world, I'm a dream seeker, I want to stroll down the streets of Italy, I want to see the world from the highest point and I want to surf on the waves of Hawaii and the 'thoughts' part comes from, well I'm a deep thinker, I cant really describe it, I find topics such as religion, morality, current affires etc really interesting and I always seem to have something to say on it. So this is my blog, the start of something that will hopefully get my life kick-started, lets see where this journey brings us...