Tuesday, 18 February 2014


Being female has it's good bits don't get me wrong, and in no way to I hate the female gender but I feel society has forced women to be viewed and also view themselves in such a unfair way.

1. Being expected to settle down
The most annoying questions I am asked is, Why don't you want kids? and Why wouldn't you want to get married? and the bazaar thing is, I get these expectation mostly from females my age 17!!! and every time I answer with because I want to keep my life for myself and live how I please, so I get accused of being selfish or hating children both of which are untrue, I like children I just don't want to have any. And to answer the second question I would say that I think its pointless, I don't see a relevancy in it, all you gain is a overly priced ring, a piece of paper and debt, but because I am I girl I am instantly associated with wanting materialistic things. Don't get me wrong if you believe in marriage go for it and I love going to weddings but for myself I think its pointless. The reason this makes me hate my gender is because women are expected to settle down by EVERYONE no one really cares what you want for yourself they only care that you have ovaries therefore breed and take care of it for the rest of your life. I really want girls in generations to come to learn that you can have your own opinions on marriage you don't have to accept what you are told, and if you don't what a child you don't have to have any.

2. Having different moral expectations compared to men
Some phrases that really get to me are:
Girls are sluts if they sleep with lots of guys
Girls shouldn't get tattoos
Girls shouldn't swear
I don't understand where this came from and again the fact that other girls MY AGE say this blows my mind, of course you don't have to do any of these but what gives anyone the right to judge others who do. I don't care whether a girl has slept with 0 people or 500 people, to me it is totally irrelevant in weather I want to be around a person but some people just hate the fact that girls can get horney and guys can sleep around and no one gives two shits, why is female sexuality so taboo, girls having sex before the 21 is abominable but for a guy its strange, why do we shame women because of sex?
When people bring up the topic of females getting tattoos I instantly think of my mum, the fact that I want one freaks her out but my brothers can make there own choices, don't get me wrong my mum wouldn't take my freedom away she just dislikes that I want one, but this shows how women are preserved not only as things that need to be kept 'pure' but also that we are incapable of making informed decisions. Another annicdonte I would like to share is that of ear piercings, thankfully my mother would never have forced my do get my ears pierced but when I got old enough to make the decision she always asked my why I didn't want them (personally I don't like the idea of stabbing holes in my face for things to hang of) but my brother who was 13 at the time got his ears pierced my mother was outraged. A bit side tracked but you get where I'm coming from.
Now girls shouldn't swear this is quite annoying especially when people say "OH THAT WAS SO UNLADYLIKE" I honestly don't understand why it is so different nor can I guess as swearing has never really bothered me.

3. Objectification, then more objectification trying to stop objectification
Let me explain the difference between OBJECTIFICATION and a EMBRACING THE HUMAN BODY. Objectification is when you think of the living thing, in this case women, and completely forget that it is a real person, i.e looking at nudity and sexulising it. Embracing the human body is when you don't have to look at nudity in a sexulised way. Objectification is awful for women, I can't say from a mans perceptive because I am not one but I'm sure it is no better. When you are walking down the street and you hear a horn or someone wolf wistel and say crude things, it is the worst thing, knowing that people are just looking at you sexually, this started happening when I was only 13 years old and trust me that is normal  for millions of young girls unfortunately. Men if you think a women is pretty don't wistle or say crude thing, stop and say 'hey, you are really pretty', it will increase self-esteem and not stomp on it. I think the main reason we objectify people is because most people are unable to look at the human body in a non sexual way. This is probably due to the same reasons as the others as people expect women to be this unattainable 'pure' thing. Breasts are sexulised which is why it is seen as a bad thing for women to be topless, for women to breast feed there babies (the most natural thing ever) and wear 'revealing' clothes. I personally much more comfortable in my own skin once I stopped sexulising and shaming myself for the body I can't help having, I have excepted that I have breasts and I what others to as well. I don't understand why people hate it what there shown, I don't see it any differently to a man being topless. So this leads on to the objectifying to stop objectification, because humans are apparently completely incapable of not sexulising bodies, we have decided that the only way to avoid it is to cover them up, make sure not one nipple is exposed for anyone to see  and then this lead to slut shaming and objectifying women who choose to embrace the human body.

I have so many more things, this list was originally 10 but then I realised I don't have the patients to write that much. But I think if we are going to change anything, make it point number 3, lets let people stop worrying about there body and start embracing it and loving themselves.


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