Friday, 14 February 2014


I spend my nights contemplating humanity.
The smallest things that disagree with my way of thinking that happen during the day make my mind go into overload.
I can't help but see the flaws in humans strange society and when I mentioned it people  see me as harsh and opinionated.
There are very few people I can talk to civily about my thought and no one who 100% gets me.
My friends once said to me they could see me working as part of a big company in a city with a boyfriend and wearing suits this is when I realised how little the people I am closest to know me! I dislike corporatism I hate greed and selfishness, I love nature, I love this planet and I believe in freedom.
I only dislike the way I look when I am surrounded by people who wish they looked different. When people say 'I wish I was that person' it  hurts my soul, why would anyone want to be anyone but them selves.
Why do we deprive others of what they believe, why do we make others believe what we believe?
Why are we so blind to this?
I sometimes wish I was blind to it.
Why human race?
Could I please talk to someone who believes in the meaning of humanity!
Care for nature, animals and eachother, why do we have to destroy them, hurt them and take away freedom.
Is there anyone out there.

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