Sunday 30 March 2014

My life is changing

This blog is a bit like a diary for my. I am quite a closed of person this is because I like the idea that in your mind you are completely a loan, its all your thoughts, all your ideas, your own little world inside your head, so this blog kind of gives my the freedom to express my feelings to people close to me and people I have never met.
This last month my life has completely and utterly been turned upside down, it wasn't even much of a transition. I was pushed straight into this world wind of emotions, activities and just a different perspective of life. To put it bluntly I met an incredible person in the weirdest circumstances and since then I have felt like nothing else matters but this person. I will follow them to the end of the earth. But this came at a cost, I had to hurt some people I was very close to, I have to rebuild a few relationships and it is still very much a working process, it hurts, there where tiers and there still are sometime. But this person I met just makes everything seem completely irrelevant. The feeling i feel are impossible to describe, I just know that my life will never be the same again.
I was told very recently that sometimes we have to let life take its course and stop trying to control it, so we can gain new opportunities and I couldn't agree more. We are all on this journey called life, all 7 billion of us and although we will not all meet each other we all touch others lifes, and that needs to be respected, never go out to hurt someone, go out an try to make people happy because in the end we all end up in the same place in the end whether that be heaven, hell, limbo, another life, oblivion. All that matters is that we take what we have now and grasp every opportunity with two hands and let it take you somewhere amazing. There may be hurt, heartbreak and tiers but that's all part of the roller-coaster.
To the person who inspired this I love you, thank you for kick starting my life of which you are the most important thing.


Thursday 20 March 2014

Can you define love?

Writing here always makes me feel that little bit better. Like my thoughts have reached someone I don't know, like I have maybe introduced some openess into someones heart but it also allows me to spill out my thoughts which get caught up round and round in my head.
Love is a huge part of everyones life. It can be expressed in so many ways. It can be given to so many people. I personally think everyone thinis of it in there own way. I believe there are many forms of love, it can grow and change but it will always be there! Because love in its simplist form is caring, for a pet, family, a partner or your friends. I am so lucky to be surrounded by people that love me.
Love grows and changes this can be hard but it happens no one has control of it. You cant just flick a switch. I dont think love ever dies it just changes. I know this hurts people but I also know it can lead people to places they never imagined they could go.
Never fill your heart with hate! Replace it with forgiveness and love. Never let hatred become yourself because thats when you loose yourself!

Love, peace and happiness is all we need!


Friday 14 March 2014


One of my new years resolutions was to go cruelty free which has been very successful. I guess when you fully realise the situation it is a no brainer. I would rather have a mouse live than have a foundation. Now I am much happier knowing that my vanity isn't to the suspense of an animal life. I wish I had made this decision earlier, I've been vegetarian for so long yet I seemed to have been so obnoxious to the fact of animal testing. I think this is because we are so shielded from it, it is kind of the out of site out of mind kind of thing. But I also think a lot of it is due to human vanity, humans as a spices are very selfish, you only have to look as far as looking at where you are sitting right now and seeing of the materialistic things that have been made by people you have never and never will meet. I think vegetarians miss this concept as a lot do it for health reasons so they have no real moral value to choose not to go cruelty free, of course this is just an assumption I may be completely wrong, I can't judge a persons values unless I know there perspective.
PS. I can see myself rambling on about random stuff a lot on this subject.
There are lots of arguments which surround animal testing for both medical and cosmetic use. If I am totally honest I don't see how anyone can condone animal testing for cosmetics, the fact that the way we look comes before the life of an animal is completely bizarre to me. I hear the argument that humans are the most intelligent species therefore we can use them to benefit ourselves and make the human race more advanced, but the blue whale is the biggest animal on earth and it doesn't use other animals for its own selfish benefit. I think what I am trying to get across with that analogy is that why is intelligence which decides the greatest and 'most important' mammal why is it not size or speed. Why are our looks more important than a mouses' life? Another thing I don't understand why if it is a mouse or a rat it is suddenly less important on the scale of animal life. I understand they breed like crazy, but every single mouse has its own heart, its own brain, its own lungs. It lives like any other creature so why is it less important than a cat, a dog or a monkey.
This may be a bit distressing to hear but in the UK it is required by law for all batches of botox produced to be tested on a rodent. The botox is injected in to the mouses stomach which causes the mouse to become paralysed and die. YES they still use the botox batch because that is supposed to happen, the mouse is meant to die a horrible death. If the mice survive they are gased or they have there necks broken. This sickens me, and how does this benefit us? OH we have no more wrinkles. A round of applause for humanity please (sarcasm). When I talk about for cosmetic I mean literally anything we use to keep up basic hygiene like toothpastes, shampoos even things like domestic cleaning products like dish washing powder. What happened to natural ingredients? In my opinion natural is best, it raw and its meant to be in our bodies. To name just a few of the brand which test on animals are:

  • L'oreal (and daughter companies excluding The Body Shop)
  • Benefit
  • Unilever (this means Lynx, Dove, Sure, Tresemme to name just a few)
  • Revlon
  • Estee Lauder 
  • Mac
  • Garnier
  • Herbal Essences
Then there is the animal testing for medical use debate, at least this on has some sustenance to it. I understand where some people come from when making the argument that animal testing for medical use is somewhat acceptable. However I still find it very hard to make it seem right in my head for some reason torturing an animal which is unable to give consent to what is happening to them doesn't sit well with me. The fact that an animal was breed to be an experiment just seems so cruel. However I also understand that cures for diseases can be found that can save many peoples lives. But whenever I hear this argument there is always the thought that maybe if we kept our bodies healthy by giving it the nutrients and exercise it needs all this research maybe irrelevant. How often have you heard a doctor prescribe a healthy life style rather than drugs which contain chemicals you probably have never heard of and you will be putting it into your body. I don't think I will ever be able to completely cut out this aspect of animal cruelty from my live as many others won't. But what I am trying to achieve is a very reduced intake of it, by this I mean not turning straight to ibuprofen or paracetamol every time you feel ill but allow your body to fight it by its self and help it by using natural methods. I also feel like medical science has advanced enough not to need animal research, with all the stuff we know about stem cells and there uses it seems like we have a pretty good way of determining how drugs will effect the body as well as how viruses function in a piece of living tissue rather that giving the virus to a living creature to see how they react or forcing then to be injected with chemical cocktails to test the safety. 
Well that's what I think anyway, I think the only way you can form a real discussion on any of this is by doing your own research. I would have included stuff like certain legislation and maybe more facts and figures but I could act bias and interpret it in a way in which may force a reader to think a certain way. At least with opinions it is just a persons thoughts.
