Thursday 20 March 2014

Can you define love?

Writing here always makes me feel that little bit better. Like my thoughts have reached someone I don't know, like I have maybe introduced some openess into someones heart but it also allows me to spill out my thoughts which get caught up round and round in my head.
Love is a huge part of everyones life. It can be expressed in so many ways. It can be given to so many people. I personally think everyone thinis of it in there own way. I believe there are many forms of love, it can grow and change but it will always be there! Because love in its simplist form is caring, for a pet, family, a partner or your friends. I am so lucky to be surrounded by people that love me.
Love grows and changes this can be hard but it happens no one has control of it. You cant just flick a switch. I dont think love ever dies it just changes. I know this hurts people but I also know it can lead people to places they never imagined they could go.
Never fill your heart with hate! Replace it with forgiveness and love. Never let hatred become yourself because thats when you loose yourself!

Love, peace and happiness is all we need!


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