Monday 16 February 2015


Whenever someone asks me what I want to do my first answer is Travel. They then correct me and say what job I want to do and I honestly have no idea. I go to University next year to study Business Marketing but the truth is I hate materialism and corporatism. I don't really know if I want to go to university but the truth is I don't really have any other direction to go in. When I describe my dream job to someone it is to travel while saving animals and helping people. I have no idea if this job exists. I will never be able to become a vet as most people bring up in this situation because 1. I squirm in biology if my teacher just mentions the heart, and 2. I could never be the person who euthanizes an animal. I just couldn't do that. I want to build sanctuaries, stop poaching. I want to conserve and protect animals.
Since I was young what I wanted to be has evolved and changed. My earliest memory was to be the next Steve Irwin like most young animal lovers. I then grew up and realised I am not really very fond of zoo's. The next thing I remember was to do competitive horse riding and to teach horse riding and then I realised I am not very competitive. I then wanted to be a make up artist or designer and although I would still love to do these things I feel like I need to do something more meaningful. Now I am in this situation. I just know I've wanted to work with animals from a young age. I think what I need to remember is the people who know what they want to do with there career are very lucky people. The majority of us have no idea.
Schools are very good at putting pressure on you to decide what to do with your entire life. At the small age of 13/14 your are expected to know the direction you want to go in and that is so unrealistic. Then when you go to sixth form you are expected to go to university. I know less then a handful of people that are not going but they are still forced to sit through university lectures and student finance lectures like they are trying to make them feel bad about not going to university and that's bullshit. We shouldn't feel like we need to know what we want to do from when we're 14 years old. We grow and change. Situations change and what we want changes. I guess we just need to say fuck you to what the education system tells us and just do what we feel is right for us.
I really had no idea where this post was going. Good job I didn't want to be a journalist or a writer.

Wednesday 11 February 2015


The universe is so vast and that is an understatement. The fact that there are billions of stars out there with billions of planets surrounding them across thousands and thousands of galaxies completely boggles my mind. It is so incredible. Now I am no genius, my physics knowledge is limited so there is no way I will ever become an astronaut and be able to see first hand something other than our own little planet. I am also not rich enough to climb aboard one of Richard Branson's aircraft's and take a space holiday. This is what kind of inspired me to want to see everything. Yes, everything! I guess you can say my motto is 'if I can't see the universe I at least what to see the world'.

There are so many amazing places out there with amazing people with amazing stories to tell. I want to see the Northern Lights, I want to take a road trip across North America, dance in Rio, surf in Hawaii (by that I mean attempt to surf) and see the wild animals in Africa.

But this adventure I want to go on is a lonely one. Its hard to find a person who wants to go with you because they have their own dreams in life. I have recently discovered how much I may need to sacrifice for this dream, relationships, career, education. But its something I desperately dream of doing and although it sounds cheesy I don't think anyone should let anybody or anything get in the way of what they truly want to do.